Friday, April 14, 2017

Civilians killed in Bohol Clash!

Cofirmed by Napo, Inabanga Barangay Captain Columbus Estoce that two of the five killed are couple and not members of the Abu Sayyaf but residents of the village where they were wounded in cross fire during the war between AFP / PNP and Abu Sayyaf.

 It's confirmed by Estoce in an interview with DYRD News  after the clearing operations of the PNP and AFP to the area where the dead bodies are found. The couple that were killed identified as Constancio Petalco, aged 65, and his wife Crisanta Petalco, of legal age are confirmed residents of his barangay Napo, Inabanga. Estoce said that Constancio was out as the Abu Sayyaf arrive and his wife disabled with stroke and unable to walk. Constancio went home to feed the hog and Crisanta is fixing things when they heard cries from the AFP and PNP that they must go out and surrender. But one of the members of the Abu Sayyaf fired shots that creates a crossfire with members of the AFP and PNP.
 Estoce justified that they are not members of Abu Sayyaf but residents of their barangay that were wounded in the clash of AFP / PNP and Abu Sayyaf on Monday.

 Constancio Petalco is said to be the uncle of Joselito Milloria who the Abu Sayyaf Group led by its leader, Abu Rami fled into shelter. Reported that 10 Abu Sayyaf entered Napo, Inabanga. 5 killed, 3 of those are Abu Sayaff and 2 civilians.
So, where are the others?
Boholanos are encourage to be more vigilant. Report when you find anything suspicious to nearest PNP  Station in your place or call 911.
God will protect us!

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